Workshops: Best out of Waste
Posted On : 19-07-2023

The Postgraduate Department of Education organized a workshop titled "˜BEST OUT OF WASTE on 22nd July, 2023, as part of the initiative, Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, launched by the Government of India to commemorate 75 years of independence of India. It is in sync with the theme suggested by NCTE to all Teacher Education Institutions across India. The day proved to be a resourceful, inspiring and enlightening one to all in attendance, with all the exquisite creations made by the students out of discarded materials. The workshop was inaugurated by Father Principal Rev. Dr. Dominic Savio SJ and started with enthusiasm and zeal after the welcome address by the Vice Principal of the Department of Education Dr. Swati Sarkar. The workshop tried to instill an essence of self-reliance and sustainability in future teachers, who bear the responsibility of making a better future for generations to come.