• The College is set to achieve the next level of excellence through a well-designed Research Policy. To this end, the faculty members are continuously urged to take up research and publication works with greater assiduity and passion. This is to ensure that in due and inevitable course, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata achieves recognition not only as a college that imparts quality education, but also as a college that has outgrown its undergraduate character to evolve into an institution of genuine and meritorious research and development.
  • The College stresses the need to expand its footprint in consultancy, and in patenting of ideas emerging from research work.
  • To provoke more meaningful engagement with contemporary political and social issue and to open conserve conversation in inter-disciplinary studies, the College is also mooting the idea of setting up a School of Gender Studies which should take off at the Raghabpur campus and a School of Social Science at the Park Street campus.
  • Other plans are on the drawing board to provide an impetus to developing the culture of research.
  • The college also plans to implement a scheme to support and incentivize professors who take up research and publish in peer-reviewed journals listed in UGC CARE, Web of Science, Scopus and other reputed platforms, write books or book chapters for reputed publishing houses.

Planned Incentives

  • An annual year-book in which publication will be listed with impact factor / Citations h-index, among other numerical quality measurements.
  • Listing on a scroll of honour to be acknowledged by special mention in the Annual Convocation. Two (2) members from each of the faculties - Humanity, Science, Commerce, Management and Education - will be shortlisted on the basis of highest score calculated on [total of (each Publication x impact factor)]. Their contribution to their respective field of the society will be acknowledged with an award.
  • Listing a special publication page on the College website / dedicated Research and Publication Notice Boards / Digital Notice Boards.
  • Publications to be shelved in hard copy in a special section in the library devoted solely to publication by college faculty / an online repository.
  • Seed money for attending conference to present a paper: for registration, or travelling expenses or part thereof up to limit of rupees Rs. 20000/-
  • Adjustment of teaching work-load
  • Promotion to Professorship on the basis of year of services, and merit and quality of Publications.