The Department of Education is happy to announce that it has received the ISSN 2319 – 3239 for their yearly Journal ‘MAGIS’ – Xaverian Journal of Education
MAGIS- AXaverian Journal of Education is annually published by the Department of Education with ISSN 2319 — 3239. The department invites articles from the contributors.The contributors are requested to follow the instructions mentioned below for their publication.

  • All Articles/Papers sent for consideration should be original and unpublished. Contributors must provide their designation and complete mailing address on their papers.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format (MS-Word) along with the hard copy of the same.
  • Manuscripts should be typed either in English or Bengali and should be submitted along with an abstract not more than 250 words.
  • Electronic copy must be sent to :
  • Articles must be in MS-Word in Times New Roman. The font size of the title should be 16 (bold), subtitle 12 (bold), the name of the author 14 (bold) and name of institution 11 respectively.
  • Articles/Papers not accepted for publication will not be returned.
  • The Papers/Articles once submitted to this journal should not be resubmitted simultaneously to other journals or elsewhere for consideration.
  • All Papers accepted for publication by Chief Editor to the journal will be the property of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata.
  • Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and should be given at the end of the text in the APA Format.
  • The Editorial Board Reserve the Right for Modification of the Paper.

Magis - Website

Annual Journal(ISSN: 2347-6222) of the Xavier’s Commerce Society (XCS) in collaboration with theDepartment of Commerce. Visit for more details.

Youthink - Vol - XI

Youthink - Vol - XII

Youthink - Vol - XIII

Youthink - Vol - XIV

Youthink - Vol - XV

Youthink - Vol - XVI

Youthink - Vol - XVII

Youthink - Vol - XVIII

Annual Journal of the Department of Economics.

Annual Journal ofthe Xavier’s Sociological Societyin collaboration with the Department of Sociology.

Annual Journal of the Department of Political Science.

Journal published byThe Goethals Indian Library and Research Society. Visit for more details.
