1. All the research scholars have to attend the Ph.D Course Work Programs with minimum 75% attendance.

  2. There should be a Quarterly meeting organized in the department with the guide/Co-guide to discuss the overall progress.

  3. The Research Scholars are requested to use our college library E- Resources including the Ithenticate. 

  4. The Research Scholars are requested to attend and present the Research Article in National and International Conference (At least 2 during the tenure of the research). 

  5. Each Research Scholar is suggested to attend workshops, Industrial Immersion, Certificate programmes related to their Research Programme. 

  6. Research Scholars has to register any one online course and complete the course offered by Swayam, NPTEL, UGC, IIMB etc. 

  7. The Research scholars are informed to attend the seminar on IPR, copy rights and Plagiarism organized by R&D cell.

  8. The Research scholar has to abide by the recommendation of the RAC committee.

  9. The scholar should at least have two published papers in CARE listed or SCOPUS indexed journals.

  10. The scholar has to take the practical classes as allotted by the Department (Minimum 2 classes per week)
