Established in August 2023, the School of Social Sciences & Humanities aims to create and foster a multidisciplinary academic ecosystem through the Postgraduate and Research departments of the Arts Faculties.

The School will operate as a nodal point for research and internship opportunities for the faculty and students of the Departments of English, Political Science, Sociology, Bengali and Mass Communication & Videography.

The objectives of the School are to:

  • Identify common areas of interest across departments and develop an orientation towards research among students and faculty members.
  • Organise application-oriented workshops to hone and implement what has been learned in the skill enhancement courses through opportunities for practise.
  • Connect students with a network of stakeholders for their internships and wider skill development.
  • Conduct research projects that will facilitate third-party collaborations and hands-on training for the students.

The activities of the School will encompass:

  • Organizing Workshops & Seminars for students where the emphasis would be on Research Methodology
  • Faculty Development Programmes.
  • Independent research projects premised on archiving, translation and digitisation
  • Designing and offering a 3-credit Multidisciplinary Paper suggested in the New Education Policy (NEP) curriculum.
  • Conceptualising and creating a Multidisciplinary MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Creation of an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal
  • Developing multidisciplinary Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses


The School for Social Sciences & Humanities Blog is a multilingual blog for students in which they can contribute short write-ups on multidisciplinary themes. The blog will encourage a wide variety of write-ups including articles, book and film reviews, and photo essays.

The blog will not be limited to submissions based on predetermined themes. Students will also be encouraged to submit write-ups on subjects that are not necessarily related to the given themes but satisfy the multidisciplinary thrust of the School’s objectives.

Themes of a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary nature will be decided and students will be invited to submit their write-ups for review. These submissions will then be vetted and approved by the members responsible for the blog, after which they will be published online.

The blog aims to provide students a legitimate outlet for writings that are not strictly academic but on topics which they find interesting. It will also foster a multidisciplinary attitude and outlook. It will help to create a body of semi-formal writing that can act as a training ground for more serious research in similar areas.

The School for Social Sciences & Humanities Blog will be run by an editorial board whose decisions regarding vetting and publication will be final.


  1. The articles will be published in electronic format on a webpage dedicated to the blog.
  2. The word limit for each submission:
    • Articles – 800 – 1200 words.
    • Book/ Film reviews – 500 – 800 words
    • Photo essays – Format to be provided.
  3. Your submissions should be in word files (.doc or .docx) and should be in Times New Roman font, 12 points. Please use 1.5 spacing between lines.
  4. Your write-ups should have a bibliography, and references should be cited following the APA format. Please visit for further information.
  5. We are looking forward to articles that meaningfully engage with other disciplines along with your core specializations. Please try to make your approach as multidisciplinary as possible.
  6. Students are expected to maintain a certain stylistic propriety while writing and avoid lapses into the informal and the colloquial.
  7. Your submission will go through vetting, and once it has been approved by the editors, it will be published in the blog.
  8. Any kind of hate speech, abusive language, and improper discussion of sensitive subjects will lead to immediate rejection of the writeup. The editorial decision in this regard will be final.
  9. Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited and will lead to a summary rejection of the submission.
  10. Please send your entries at