Posted On : 01-03-2025 | Date & Time: Last date of Submission : 15th March 2025


Candidate must hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science / Computer Application / IT and must have understanding of Database, Web Architecture and Stack Development with thorough knowledge of SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Angular. He/she should be able to program servers like PHP, ASP, Python or Node. Knowledge of Photoshop-AI will be an added advantage. Additionally must possess design skills, creativity, analytical skills, problem solving skills and time management skills. He/she must be up-to-date on latest trends and technology.


Suitable candidates are requested to send an application by speed post addressed to the Principal, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), 30 Park Street, Kolkata-700016 along with their bio-data and all credentials including degrees, diplomas, certificates and experience letters. Attach a demand draft of Rs.250/- drawn in favour of “ST. XAVIER’S COLLEGE” with the application. The documents must reach the Principal’s office by 15th March, 2025. The Subject on the envelope must be written as “ASSISTANT-INFORMATION SYSTEM. Candidates, if selected on the basis of their credentials, will have to appear for an interview and present their portfolio to the interview board.