Paper Code: MPLS4101 Paper Title: Traditions in Western Political Thought | Paper Code: MPLS4201 Paper Title: Public administration | Paper Code: MPLS4301 Paper Title: India and the World View Syllabus | View Course Outcome
| Paper Code: MPLS4401 Paper Title: Human Rights: Issues and Perspectives View Syllabus | View Course Outcome
Paper Code: MPLS4102 Paper Title: Political Theory | Paper Code: MPLS4202 Paper Title: International Relations: Theories and issues | Paper Code: MPLS4302 Paper Title: Modern India: Major Themes | Paper Code: *MPLS4402 Paper Title: World Politics and Global Political Economy (II) View Syllabus | View Course Outcome
Paper Code: MPLS4103 Paper Title: India: Democracy and Development | Paper Code: MPLS4203 Paper Title: Politics and Governance in India | Paper Code: *MPLS4303 Paper Title: World Politics and Global Political Economy (I) | Paper Title: Public Policy in India View Syllabus | View Course Outcome
Paper Code: MPLS4104 Paper Title: Comparative Political Analysis | Paper Code: MPLS4204 Paper Title: Research Methodology | Paper Code: * MPLS4304 Paper Title: Public Policy | Paper Code: MPLS4451 Paper Title: Dissertation |
*These are elective papers being taught out of 5 elective papers offered by the dept.