Programme Specific Outcomes

  • The MA programme will give the students a strong foundation in the theoretical as well as analytical areas of the subject and provide rigorous training in how to critically interpret the current social changes in the world to not only develop an investigative approach to think autonomously, but also to be able to implement or attempt policy measures for them.
  • The courses are designed to enable students to inculcate an interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of society. The courses also adopt an intersectional approach to social problems. The student will also learn to understand a social phenomenon in its global, national and local articulations.
  • The student will be required to carry out a full-fledged research dissertation on any topic of sociological relevance of their own choice to hone their social science research skills.
  • The course is designed to make students accomplished not only in the academic arena but adequately equipped for competitive examinations and jobs in other fields such as the development, labour and policy sectors, civil services, media, communications etc